Check Us Out at User Friendly Vegas

We will be leaving this website up as a good reference and archive, but do not plan to write any other entries on this site.

Check out our writing about living with disabilities and chronic illness (including personal challenges and victories, along with macro-level social and cultural issues) in two places:

  • User Friendly Vegas: A project dedicated to promoting universal design through multi-media, including a docucomedy about living in Vegas with limited mobility.
  • CWD: Couples with Disabilities: An expert blog on Psychology Today addressing living life as a PWD and a caregiver.
Please note that some of the links on this website are broken. If you visit User Friendly Vegas, over time you will probably find more up-to-date links there.

As always, if you want to know all that we are up to, visit our company website: SINdustry CITY, where we try to keep all our projects updated.

Thanks for your support over the years!  Looking forward to seeing you elsewhere on the web!

Pattie & Carl


    Help Us Make Room

    Help Us Make Room
    ***** Email Pattie ***** User-Friendly Housing (click on image to email)

    Mission Statement

    We are devoted to promoting affordable, accessible housing in Las Vegas that meets the particular needs of tenants, owners and investors with diligence, sensitivity and integrity.

    We are devoted to promoting universal accessibility in the Las Vegas so that people will be welcomed as residents and visitors no matter what their background, age, ability or size and to advocate for those who are excluded intentionally or otherwise.

    We are devoted to showing Las Vegas that welcoming all persons is in tune with the spirit of accommodations and is a sound way to expand the local market by creating a loyal client base that will increase long-term sales and profits. Accommodating diversity is good business.

    We are devoted to promoting global good will by promoting the free movement of all people. Las Vegas is America's playground and, maybe even, the world's playground. We are devoted to make Las Vegas a showplace of universal design, accessibility, and inclusion. Las Vegas is a place built on the concept of freedom and freedom of movement is one of the ultimate freedoms. We can think of no better place on earth to promote inclusion than our beautiful city. We hope you will join us in making Las Vegas a place for everyone.

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